For Farmers
We are currently in the middle of the winter greenhouse season. In partnership with the Organic Seed Alliance, SeedLinked, eOrganic and independent breeders (Nature and Nuture Seeds and KC Tomato), for 2024 we are offering trials focused on varieties close to commercial release. We are also offering variety trials.
Our trials this year will include five different tomato breeding trials, two pepper breeding trials, and five potato trials with breeding lines from the University of Wisconsin program. Trials are currently open for registration, which you can find links to below.
We send each farm all the seeds they need for their trial as well as stakes, and a planting map. Farmers manage the trial as they would manage their normal crop. The research station trials are managed organically, and while we prefer that farmers manage their trial without pesticides so that we get good observations on disease resistance, there is no requirement for participants to be certified organic.
We are working with SeedLinked to make on-farm trials easier and results more immediate. Trial links will take you to the SeedLinked website to complete your trial request. SeedLinked works in any web browser, on a computer or smartphone. SeedLinked also has iPhone and Android apps so that you can do trial ratings and take photos of entries on your smartphone offline, and automatically uploads data when you have a Wi-Fi connection. A benefit of using SeedLinked is that you can see all trial results as soon as you have completed the trial, rather than waiting for us to process all the data. You always have the option to collect observations on paper, but we encourage you to try the app, it makes the trials logistically much simpler for all of us!
Seed photos and Non-GMO statements for organic certification for each year are shared on this page. All trial varieties are also planted on our certified organic land. We will also share more information about all trial varieties.
2024 Seed to Kitchen On-Farm Trial Information
Registration is now closed for our 2024 trials. Links will soon be added to view Live Results from SeedLinked.
Non-GMO seed statements, seed photos, and other resources will also soon be added. If you have any questions, please email
Breeding Trials:
As part of the Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative, there is 1 pepper trial and 4 tomato trials.
SKC is also conducting a trial of new UW-Madison slicer tomato lines, selected for flavor, production and adaptation to organic farming systems. This trial is for protective structures such as high tunnels or caterpillar tunnels.You can find more information about the trial in this pdf.
Variety Trials:
For potatoes, there are 5 different variety trials based on market class.