
Kale is a great early spring and late fall green, growing robustly in northern climates in the shoulder seasons. We have focused primarily on curly kale, identifying red and green varieties with good performance on both ends of the season, without getting too bitter during the hot spells we occasionally get in spring and fall.

Table Key

Best disease scores = least disease observed

Best Good Acceptable Poor


Darkibor (F1)

Bejo Seeds

DESCRIPTION: Very easy plant to grow, extremely uniform. Low insect damage. The best cold tolerance in Madison and Spooner. Best flavor in crew tasting and chef tasting. Holds flavor even as plants aged.
SEED AVAILABLE FROM: Johnny’s Selected Seeds  External Link and High Mowing Organic Seeds  External Link

Flavor Production Disease Earliness


Curly Roja (OP)


DESCRIPTION: Attractive and uniform plant. Second only to Darkibor in cold tolerance. With Scarlet, best flavor in spring crew tasting and fall chef tasting. Mildest of the reds as plants aged although it does get bitter with heat.
SEED AVAILABLE FROM: High Mowing Organic Seeds  External Link

Flavor Production Disease Earliness



DESCRIPTION: Decent yields and good flavor. With Curly Roja, also preferred in chef tasting
SEED AVAILABLE FROM: Seed Savers Exchange  External Link

Flavor Production Disease Earliness